EP WPS Waterproofing Tiled Floor

EP WPS is recommended for leaking bathrooms or any existing tiled floor with leakage problems. EP WPS is a ready to-use product, no mixing.  EPWS is an excellent waterproofing product for all jobs because it cures, hardens, protects and waterproofs in one application.


EP WPS is a permanently waterproofs and preserves concrete, brick, block and all masonry surfaces & structures in one easy application. EP WPS doesn’t need to be mixed; it’s easy to use and has no solvents inside, so no bad smells and everything can be washed clean with water. EP WPS are certified & tested to ISO Standards. Moreover, they are recognised as 100% eco-friendly, non-toxic, non-flammable & biodegradable. EP WPS have zero negative effects to waterways or oceans, have no impact on plant life and will not leave harmful by-products that linger for many years. 



  • One application only – saving time and money
  • Cures, waterproofs and hardens concrete
  • CANNOT be worn away, peeled off, washed away, torn or broken
  • Does not aerate
  • Can be applied to old or new concrete/masonry
  • Easy to Use – No special equipment needed
  • No mixing required


How to Apply EP WPS for Leaking Areas

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