BioCleaner Technology

BioCleaner’s breakthrough technology is able to treat all kinds of organic waste including residential, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors. It can be effectively used in natural waterways.


BioCleaner’s breakthrough technology is able to treat all kinds of organic waste including residential, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors. It can be effectively used in natural waterways such as rivers, lakes and bays.

Unlike other water cleaning treatment systems, BioCleaner constantly produces its own good microbes, eliminating the need to add new microbes everyday. The microbes are all-natural and have not been genetically modified. They are safe from pathogens or from the risk of mutation. Only microbes classified by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as BioSafety Level 1 are used in the BioCleaner.




  • Reduces Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD);
  • The BioCleaner produces zillions of Microbes and the aeration mixes them evenly;
  • Reduces cost for pond maintenance and mixes up to 5m of depth;
  • Eliminates foul odors and aerates up to 2500 sqm;
  • Eats sludge fast and uses less than 2.5Hp per unit;
  • Easily moved to another spot for wider coverage;
  • Easy to assemble and operate on site;
  • Cuts electric bills by 75% compared to others traditional systems.

Specifications BioCleaner Machine

BioCleaner Machine

  1. Aerogrid is made of injection molded HDPE plastic and comes with 66 feet of Aerotube aeration tubing attached using stainless steel clamps. The size of this grid is 1m x 1.2m.
  2. SeederTube are microbial bioreactors made of perforated stainless steel cylinders. They are 10 feet in length and 4 inches in diameter. These SeederTube are filled with a media made of ceramic material. Aeration diffusers are also located through the entire length of the SeederTube to provide oxygen to the microbes with a 55 watt Air Blower.
  3. Fiber glass angle bars are used in framing, each of which are 2inch x 2inch x 3mm in size. They are light weight and heavy duty bars that can be submerged in to almost any contaminant water.
  4. Polyethylene (PE) plastic walls cover about ¾ of the lift, comprised of four sheets that are 3.28ft x 2ft x 2mm each. These provides water direction and suction.
  5. Floaters provide buoyancy to the Biocleaner, making it mobile and require less use of power.
  6. The Air Blower is a single phase motor, that uses 1.75kW of power. This motor will transport 240m³ air/hr. Approximately 3.65 kg O2/hr are transferred to the surrounding water.


Brochure Bio Cleaner


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