“SITENG” is 100% made from organic materials, seaweed concentrate and fresh water which is fermented in a certain time to produce a useful solution for plants but still friendly to environment.
Environmentally sound cultivation is an agricultural cultivation planned and implemented with due regard to the conditions and environmental sustainability, within natural resources in the living environment can be useful to prevent damage to the environment itself.
“SITENG” adalah 100% terbuat dari bahan organik, konsentrat rumput laut dan air tawar yang difermentasi dalam waktu tertentu untuk menghasilkan solusi yang berguna untuk tanaman tetapi tetap ramah lingkungan.
Budidaya berwawasan lingkungan adalah penanaman pertanian yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan kondisi dan kelestarian lingkungan, di dalam sumber daya alam di lingkungan hidup dapat bermanfaat untuk mencegah kerusakan lingkungan itu
Concentrated seaweed soil supplement for agriculture.Siteng can be used for all types of plants.
- Gardens, Vegetables, Seeds, Ornamental Plants
- Plantation:Rice field, corn, watermelon, chili, etc
- Fruit: Coffee, coconut, chocolate,
- Spray the Orchids
- Intensive, to enrich the soil 1:100
- Medium, to prepare the planting land 1: 500
- Health, to treatment soil/plant 1:1000