Synthetic Alang-Alang Roof

Synthetic roofing products that look like a thatched roof or alang-alang roof made of HDPE. With colors and shapes resembling alang-alang roofs or thatched roofs but from synthetic materials. The quality of HDPE is also claimed to be an “environmentally friendly” material due to its recyclability.



  • Natural and elegant appearance.
  • Strong, Durable and durable.
  • Waterproof and does not absorb water.
  • Resistant to wind.
  • Anti-termite and not attacked by birds.
  • Easy and fast installation.
  • Environmentally friendly and recyclable.
  • Minimal maintenance, no need for periodic repairs and leaf replacement.


Viro thatch has 3 variants: Java Type, Java Aged Type, and Bali Type. Each has a difference in color and texture.


Flyer Alang-alang

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